
From air, water and pits to robust permitting for treatment and disposal, We manage all permitting stages from scoping, science studies, design, procedures, submittals, notifications, closure estimates and more.

Permitting Services

Bridging Goals, Needs and Success

When businesses need permits, authorizations, technical approvals and/or scientific support in order
to operate and profit, we provide the knowledge, experience and expertise to help.


We’ve been active for almost 40 years supporting client’s permitting and facility and system design goals. Here’s a quick partial view.

Permit Types


Waste Types

Oil and Gas and Industrial Permits

Oil and Gas and Industrial permits we’ve facilitated:

Permit Process and Technical Elements

Permits require that a lot of moving parts come together. We work closely with clients and their teams to effectively and successful bring it together successfully.

Injection Disposal

Enpros specializes in solids and fluid injection disposal siting, permitting, and operations, including NORM. We’ve been actively involved in the safe disposal of > 45,000,000 bbls of E&P exempt, non-hazardous and NORM waste. We provide:

Other Permits, Plans and Authorizations

Other plans and approvals we’ve obtained:

NORM and Radioactive Material Licensing and Registration

Radiation related licenses and registrations we’ve facilitated:

Facility, Waste System and NORM System Design

Client’s often ask us to contribute to the design of their endeavors. Sometimes we design it all.

Facilities Designed


Waste Systems Designed


Waste Testing -Oil and Gas and Industrial Class I

Onsite waste testing is often required to verify wastes are authorized for offloading and treatment / disposal at permitted facilities. We have designed and operated both commercial and onsite laboratories for the evaluation and management of oil and gas and industrial wastes.



Key Features

Regulatory Agencies

Agencies we’ve worked with and submitted permits, licenses and plans to:
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