
Business Services

Business Focused

Science and System Based

From startup to sales, helping clients better understand, stabilize, expand and transition their ventures.

Business Services

Business Focused - Science and Systems Based

Services across the Business Lifecycle

Enpros supports and has participated in all stages of the business lifecycle. We’ve been involved with numerous startups, have taken a company public, and have had direct roles in all stages from ideation to sale and closure. Our experience across a business’ interests helps us understand and attune to what is important at any stage. We use our knowledge, along with each client’s goals, constraints, and risks, to help achieve success with any project or initiative.

Market Research
Technology Viability & Commercialization
Siting & Permitting
Facility Preps
Line Ops Support
Due Diligence
Transaction Support
Litigation Support

Project Management

Enpros provides project management services for environmental, waste, facility, acquisition, startup and growth project. We bring a perspective that integrates:

  • Science and Principles
  • Technology & Tools
  • Stakeholder Goals & Expectations
  • Business and Project Processes

For projects, we assist with:

  • Project scoping
  • Goal, constraint, and risk awareness and management
  • Cost estimates, forecasts, tracking, and reporting
  • Technology evaluation and systems design
  • Project evaluation reports including scenarios comparisons, strengths, weaknesses
  • Construction planning and oversight
  • Bid and subcontractor oversight



  • Project scheduling and logistics
  • Environmental Impact Assessments
  • Environmental/science feasibility and justification studies
  • Geographical Information System (GIS) analysis
  • Expert witness services
  • Reporting to internal/external stakeholders
  • Regulatory strategy and negotiations

Focus Areas – The little things

We believe success is built from attention to what matters and failure can arise from many directions. Sometimes the ‘little’ things are the difference. We believe these focus areas can be keys to success.

Risks and Constraints

Once goals are clear, understanding and managing project risks and constraints are key to success.


Success can be measured by the quality of stakeholder satisfaction. Whether corporate, technical, regulatory, investor, political, legal, public, or staff – understanding and addressing stakeholder needs is a key to success.

Critical Points

Success can often hinge on a few critical pints in a project, be them company, regulatory, or scientific of business unknowns. Understanding, prioritizing, monitoring, and responding to those points can help ensure to success.

Decision Intelligence

Information and decisions are given shape by how we interpret data. Even with well understood and quality data, bias and assumptions, even when experientially based, can adversely affect how the business context is interpreted and the quality of subsequent decisions.

Data Intelligence

Understanding your data – where it comes from, its measurement, what it tells you, what it cannot tell you – is critical to effective decision making. If data is poorly understood or misused, decisions are marred.

Sound Science

Environmental and waste projects in particular but many projects are built from an assumed understanding of underlying scientific conditions and principles. It is essential that the knowns, unknowns and assumptions are understood, tracked, and responded to.

Understand Roles - Connect to People

Stakeholder perspectives can differ from what’s expected, especially when from another culture or country. Understand roles but connect to people. Speak to & work with people not roles.


Often mentioned. Less often delivered. We believe it is simple. Be the cohesion. Clear vision, people focused, clear and effective processes, and supported team.

Due Diligence Services

Enpros provides unique, experience based input to both the environmental and the business diligence efforts for a potential purchase or sale, including:

  • Environmental Diligence
    • Site Visits and Environmental Assessments
    • Site Visits and Environmental Assessments
    • Compliance Reviews
    • Permit Diligence
    • Health & Safety Diligence
    • Injection Well Due Diligence
  • Operation Diligence
  • Organizational and Cultural Diligence
  • Market Diligence
  • Strategy Diligence

For further details, see Environmental Diligence and Injection Due Diligence

Market position and revenue streams

Transaction Services

Enpros supports various focus areas when business transactions are being considered. We focus on upgrade or capital costs, risk to operations, valuation, business assumptions, and transition and implementation plans, including:

  • Asset valuation, stability, and risks
  • Technology vetting
  • Market Valuation and Dynamics
  • Understanding Business Drivers: Is now the same as the past?
  • Regulatory & Compliance Assessments

Enpros transaction services integrate into the environmental and business due diligence efforts. Depending on client goals, at this stage our services focus on:


  • Mitigation or upgrade costs associated with:
    • Environmental contamination
    • Material condition of facility and systems
    • Operational readiness and capacity of systems
    • Permits (in place and sufficient to support planned capacity)
    • Compliance programs and Health and Safety
    • Reporting, compliance and workflow systems
  • Risks and threat to operations
  • Legal risks and threats
  • Needs for additional staff



  • Threats to operations and/or capacity from:
    • Missing permits
    • Regulatory non-compliance
    • Material condition not sustainable
    • Ill repair or capacity operating systems
  • Offsite environmental contamination and long term impacts
  • Legal risks

Integration and Change Planning

Managing the change in ownership, personnel and culture, operations, standards, and compliance practices can warrant consideration and planning. Enpros can provide valuable input on how to bridge the gap successfully from one organization to a new one.

Litigation and Data Assessment Services

Enpros serves industry on NORM, environmental, geological and waste issues. We’ve been both plaintiff and defense experts and we understand the legal process. More importantly, we understand the science and standards that underlie these issues. Our expertise, however, includes not just the domain of environmental issues but also the science of data and data systems. Our services include:

  • Site investigations & environmental forensics
  • Turnkey data packages
  • Litigation data assessments of owned and opposition data
  • Domain/content knowledge
  • Compliance Reports and consulting
  • Expert Testimony
  • Strategy Support
  • Data research, assimilation, QC, reporting, and code and GIS based analysis
Environmental Litigation Services

We provide domain knowledge, consulting, and environmental services related to:

  • Environmental, NORM, groundwater, geology, radiation and waste topics
  • Compliance and regulatory standards and practices
  • Forensics quality environmental sampling and analysis
  • Evaluation of opposition field and acquisition methods, data quality, limitations, and mis use

Whether for litigation or businesses purpose, researching and acquiring data is a critical and costly step. If not approached with discipline, the quality of the data and the resulting decisions and interpretations can be compromised. Enpros provides turnkey data packages that are:

  • Specific and customized to your interests and your needs
  • Faster paths to your analysis, insights, and decisions
  • Less prone to misinterpretation or misuse
  • Known as to their limitations and gaps
  • Organized and formatted
  • Cost effective, timely, convenient
  • Mined for insights

We maintain E&P data systems that are up to date and comprehensive but we also provide data for science and business purposes. We provide reliable data packages related to:

Poor data is often assumed to be accurate, applicable, and even complete and is then used for legal and business interpretations and decisions. In practice, when data is acquired that appears to serve an intended purpose, little if any effort is made to understand the data, where it comes from, and whether it suits the intended application. Unfortunately, inaccuracies often go unnoticed and the credibility and value of insights and decisions on which the data is based are compromised.

Enpros understands data and provide services to assess data quality, it’s fit for the intended purpose, and its limitations and potential for misuse. In summary, we provide services to:

  • Investigate and interpret the source of submitted data including (1) original measurement systems and locations and (2) data system and structures used to store and present data
  • Interpret the quality and limitations of the data
  • Understand what data is telling you and what it cannot
  • Identify areas where misinterpretation arises

For more information, request our Litigation Data Assessments Brief

Litigation often focusses on what is required, what is expected, and the way in which these were met or not met. There are challenges fully assessing these questions, however:

  • Regulation implementations often require agency interpretations and policies that change or are unwritten and that are not immediately obvious when reading a rule
  • Common knowledge and practices can be gross simplifications or completely wrong
  • Regulations can ‘adopt by reference’ technical documents, regulatory interpretations, or guidance documents that go unassimilated
  • The historical context of terms, issues, and decisions underlying a regulation are not taken into consideration
  • Nuances of key data and/or prescriptive methods in regulations can be overlooked
  • Industry standards are only known through experience

Enpros provides compliance and standards reports to help fully scope a regulatory topic, including:

  • Prescriptive requirements from regulations
  • Agency interpretations and policies that amplify requirements and methods
  • Adopted by reference’ requirements
  • Historical interpretations such as federal registrar, rule reports, etc.
  • Industry standards via clients, guidance documents, ASTMs, etc.

The quality of (i) field methods for acquisition, (ii) laboratory methods for interpretation, and (iii) data methods for organization, interpretation, and presentation greatly affect whether data is usable, defensible, and/or reliable. Enpros prepares methodology reports for a wide range of environmental and data topics so you know whether your or opposing methods are defensible or at risk.

Market, Industry, Competitor Analysis

Enpros specializes in market analysis and has a history with environmental, disposal, storage, NORM, and waste markets. Depending on client interests, we prepare reliable, insight and decision supporting services related to:

Strategic Support

Enpros supports businesses growth and startup phases by providing:

  • Scoping Surveys / Reports
  • Permitting for market expansion
  • Permitting to stabilize revenue streams or services to market
  • Market Opportunities Studies (Clients, Competition, Locations, Drivers, Regulations)
  • Technology and Systems Vetting and Opportunities

Asset Monitoring and Funding

Enpros provides oil and gas asset reports and data services for monitoring owned or competitor assets or evaluating potential assets. We cater to both individual and institutional investors and provide:

  • Detailed Profiles & Reports Data packages
  • Trend and Insight Analysis
  • Bundled, comprehensive, turnkey data packages
  • One (1) time data sets
  • Ongoing subscriptions
  • Email or text alerts
  • Integration services

Examples of the type and range of O&G assets we assist in monitoring or funding include:

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