Waste Management & Operations
Uniquely experienced as consultants, designers and hands on operators,
Enpros provides comprehensive and integrated waste solutions.
Waste Services
Disposal Consulting - Characterization - Permitting Disposal - Treatment - Recycling
Waste Operations - Waste Acceptance - NORM - Pits
Disposal Consulting and Projects
We assist clients across multiple industries and countries in disposing of their wastes. We provide:
- International, domestic, hazardous, non-hazardous, exempt, industrial, Class I and Class II, NORM, radioactive, and mixed wastes
- Regulatory jurisdictions, contaminants, limits, and lab methods
- Representative sampling requirements
- Recycling, reclamation and/or disposal options and facilities
- Container and transportation requirements
- Full cycle costs including sampling, lab analysis, containers, transportation, disposal/treatment/recycling, and container cleaning and return/disposal.
- Documentation requirements
- Disposal Management, including quotes, profile approvals, scheduling, oversight
Treatment, Recycling and Disposal Permitting
Enpros specializes in permitting disposal, treatment, recycling, NORM, and reclamation facilities. We have proven experience in multiple countries with all phases of the permitting process and the following types of facilities.
- Oil and Gas and Industrial Facilities
- Experience in USA, UK, and Africa
- Solids, Liquids, and NORM Disposal
- Solids, Liquids, and Oil Reclamation
- Underground Injection - Class I Industrial fluids
- Underground Injection – Class II solids, liquids, and NORM
- Hazardous waste salt cavern disposal
- Non-hazardous waste salt cavern disposal + NORM
- O&G Stationary Treatment, Phase Separation and Recycling
- O&G Hydrocarbon recovery
- O&G Road base waste recycling
- O&G Land Treatment waste disposal
Waste Operations and Management
Along with our waste permitting and licensing services, Enpros provides services to help disposal, treatment, and recycling facilities operate successfully, including:
- Requirements and restrictions: regulatory and permit requirements, restrictions, and implementation
- Separation best practices for solids, fluids and hydrocarbons
- Residual waste management for solids, fluids and NORM, including options for recycling or reuse
- Environmental considerations for waste operations, including waste storage, containment, SPCC, run on, run off, air permits
- Explosion and Flammability management including NFPA 70 facility designs, HSE requirements, practical monitoring considerations
- Audit support services
Custom software systems
-Waste receipt tracking and reporting
-Compliance management
-H2S screening of shipments - Workflow systems for billing, auditing, and archiving
- HSE and Emergency Preparedness
Waste Acceptance, Categorization, & Compliance
We develop and assist companies in the critical regulatory and permit requirement to ensure their facilities offload only the wastes that are authorized. Services and procedures include:
Consulting, Written Procedures, and Software/DB Tools
- Pre Screening: Incoming waste type pre-screening and ‘approval’ for acceptance, including key questions on who, where, and how the waste was generated
- Waste verification systems: online and custom built to validate operator, lease, well, etc.
- Shipment screening including waste type operator, location, and waste type verification and screening for key constituents such as NORM, H2S, and flammability
- Recordkeeping requirements and best practices
Categorizing Oil and Gas Wastes
Categorizing oil and gas waste is complex and frequently misunderstood. When permits authorize wastes explicitly, the difference between non-hazardous and exempt may be significant. We maintain a concerted focus on waste categorization accuracy and compliance so facilities know how to avoid violations which are known to result losing the right to operate.
Waste Testing -Oil and Gas and Industrial Class I
Onsite waste testing is often required to verify wastes are authorized for offloading and treatment / disposal at permitted facilities. We have designed and operated both commercial and onsite laboratories for the evaluation and management of oil and gas and industrial wastes.
- Radioactivity concentrations in solids, liquids, and slurries via gamma spectroscopy multi channel analysis
- Radioactivity concentrations of airborne samples via alpha/beta scintillation
- Oil-Water-Solids via ASTM shakeout or conventional retort methods
- pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids
- Salinity, specific gravity
- Particle size distribution via sieve analysis
Key Features
- Nuclear and non-nuclear analysis
- NIST traceable standards for calibration of gamma spectroscopy, pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids and salinity instruments
- Commercial quality QA/QC, as appropriate
Pit Permitting
‘Pits’ is a term sometimes used to describe waste holding structures that are either authorized or no longer preferred. In Texas, ‘pits’ are specifically defined and their use requires a permit. We provide permitting services for waste collecting, disposal, and washout pits. Depending on client needs: we assist with:
- Engineering design and calculations
- Professional Engineering Certification
- Application Submittal
- Closure Cost Estimates
- Financial Security Instrument
Enpros specializes in NORM and has a long history with all aspects of NORM, including disposal. We have been actively involved with the successful disposal of > 45,000,000 bbls of NORM and have provided services specifically related to:
- Permits to authorize NORM disposal
- NORM lab analysis and mixing requirements when concentration activity limits apply
- NORM waste acceptance criteria and shipment screening
- Facility design and operations regarding NORM
- NORM storage and signage
- Worker protection, training, and safe work practices
- Facility surveys, monitoring, and assessments, including
- Public, worker, and environmental assessments
Facility, Waste System and NORM System Design
When hired for waste issues, client’s often ask us to provide input and design ideas for their ventures. Sometimes we design it all.
Facilities Designed
- Integrated fluid & solid E & P waste treatment, recycling & disposal
- Hazardous waste treatment and salt cavern disposal
- Class 1 wastewater treatment & injection disposal
- E & P waste separation, aggregate recycling and disposal
- E & P solids injection disposal facility
- E & P waste transfer station
Waste Systems Designed
- High volume solids offloading and transfer
- E & P waste mixing and slurrying
- Solids and Fluids subsurface injection systems
- E & P Solids separation and aggregate recovery
- Land treatment / Land farming pre-application waste processing
- E & P hazardous waste Landfill design
- Hydrocarbon recovery systems: solid and fluid streams
- Industrial wastewater treatment: neutralization; precipitation; filtration; oil-water separation; mineral balancing
- E & P phase separation (dewatering)
- E & P solid waste stabilization
- NORM volume reduction
Radioactive Facility and Systems Design
Along with our radiation safety expertise, we also design systems and facilities for NORM remediation and decontamination, such as:
- Fixed NORM waste treatment and disposal facility
- Mobile pipe and equipment decontamination systems
- Fixed NORM decontamination facilities
- Mobile pipe, equipment, tank and soil decontamination systems